UAV & RPAS operations from mobile platforms

July 10, 2015

UAV & RPAS operations from mobile platforms

July 10, 2015
| News

UAV operations from mobile platforms and “Follow Me” functionalities are growing in interest among UAV and drone operators, as well as among companies and fans in the outdoor sports area. For this reason, Embention incorporates these features in any aircraft or autonomous vehicle by using Veronte Autopilot 1x capabilities. With this control system, it is accessible to everyone to perform maneuvers and missions relatively to a moving or static object of interest.


The “Follow Me” functionality on Veronte Autopilot 1x is not limited to following up the target from a fixed distance; however, it allows to run any kind of mission and operation relatively to an object of interest, such as take-off, landing, ascent, descent, loiter, hover, mapping, surveillance, etc. Setting routes of waypoints linked to the control station or other target, complete or part of the mission will move with the target during the operation as set on the configuration. These advanced tracking capabilities can be incorporated into any autonomous platform (airplane, helicopter, boat, multirotor, surface vehicles, ground vehicles, etc.). It is only necessary to incorporate one Veronte unit in the object of interest connected to the Veronte network in order to transmit its position to the autonomous vehicle.


Applications for UAV operations from mobile platforms


The Veronte system permits to operate from any kind of moving platform, following or performing relative missions to boats, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, or even people. Countless and amazing applications derive from these advanced control features, such as:


Landing on mobile platforms

The Veronte system enables both net and runway landing, together with vertical landing on any moving device for performing fully autonomous operations: cars, aircraft, trucks, fishing boats,…



This system is also compatible with surveillance missions, performing maneuvers or paths at a fixed distance from the moving device. This technology is applicable to convoys or cargo ships, mainly used in applications such as fighting against piracy and preventing stowaways, attacks, robberies,…


Follow Me

This application is booming in the outdoor sports area, permitting to record performances or sporting activities (cycling, canoeing, skiing, etc.), keeping a fixed distance to the target, and recording the complete flight for getting unique videos.


Coordinated maneuvers

With this application, drones can fly in formation or conduct coordinated maneuvers between different UAVs, permitting them to perform air support missions, maritime search and rescue, border surveillance, exhibitions,…


Management from mobile platforms

Development of missions and operations at a relative position from a moving platform, for example, training missions from ships, target maneuvers,…


Finally, in order to avoid the limitations imposed by autonomy of unmanned platforms, this technology combined with tethered drones permits to have a camera or other payload permanently hovering over an object of interest with an unlimited energy supply and improving safety in the operation due to restricted movement.

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