Embention manuals and its functionalities

September 19, 2024

Embention manuals and its functionalities

September 19, 2024
| News

At Embention we have more than 17 years of experience in the development of autopilots and high performance components for the autonomous vehicle industry. We strive everyday for excellence and bring the most advanced solutions to the UAV field, helping customers and partners to achieve their goals with the cutting-edge technology while meeting the highest requirements in terms of safety. We offer support to integrate our products into flight systems. In addition, our user manuals are publicly available at https://manuals.embention.com

Our products can be part of complex systems, so we are concerned about their accessibility, even for inexperienced users. We therefore strive for clarity and uniformity in our manuals, so they all follow the same outline. They also include examples of integration with other devices used in avionics (radios, sensors, joysticks…).

We divide it into three types.

  • Hardware manuals: these are the first manuals that the customer should read, as they contain all the necessary information for the mechanical and electrical installation of our products, including technical information, dimensioned drawings, pinouts, etc. They also include a link to the software manual for each product.
  • Software manuals: they explain which software applications are required for each product, what they are used for and other general concepts. It include links to the application manuals that will be needed, so all documents are connected.
  • Application manuals: Each software application has its own user manual, with each configurable parameter explained in detail.

The following diagram shows the reading flow that users will follow:

diagram with document icons

Applied to our 1x autopilot it looks like this:

diagram with autopilots icons

At Embention, we have a philosophy of continuous improvement and user manuals are no exception. We work on the continuous expansion and improvement; with the final goal of providing our clients with all the necessary knowledge for a complete integration of our systems.

Find out more at https://manuals.embention.com

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