Embention codification standards & security

March 6, 2019

Embention codification standards & security

March 6, 2019
| News

Difficult environments such as the aerospace industry or professional UAVs require security measures much stricter than any other industries. Many times it takes high-risk situations where mistakes can’t take place.
That is why production is done under very demanding standards, certification, and the strictest coding and security measures, so everything has a perfect execution.


Aerospace’s security measures


At the aerospace industry, aspects such as avionics systems safety have become a mean point to the inherent risk that failure in any of the flight stages entails.
Although the UAV sector has not been regulated in such a way, Embention has given its coding standards a character closer to the aerospace sector, which brings us closer to excellence and brings us a minimum failure’s number.


Prevention of failures, ambiguities, and erratic behavior


Because of this, the software’s developers of the system integrated into the aircraft usually follow a series of standards, coding rules, and design according to different objectives.
Some examples include preventing system failures, maintaining a work’s methodology, improving maintainability, ensuring greater robustness, avoiding ambiguities in the source code, preventing unexpected behavior, and offering the system’s testing in optimal conditions. All these actions are also known as Coding Standards.


Different Codification Standards


Some of the most widespread and frequently used coding standards are MISRA-C and JSF++. The first publication of MISRA-C (Recommendations for the Use of C Language in Vehicle Software) was first released in 1998, the result of the combined efforts of Ford and Rover manufacturers to create a set of coding standards for C programming language in the automotive industry. Currently, MISRA-C contains 143 rules and 16 guidelines for developing critical software and is adopted by companies in many industries.


Consistency, reliability, and security


Embention is committed to developing our embedded software systems following the JSF++ (Joint Strike Fighter C++) Coding Standards. These coding standards were designed by Lockheed Martin to develop software systems critical to the C++ programming language. Their design is based on MISRA-C and conceived to be used in the aerospace industry, although over time, JSF++ has been used in many fields, such as the automotive industry. It allows our engineers to develop more reliable, consistent, and secure software systems.

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