HIL drone simulators and its advantages

August 7, 2015

HIL drone simulators and its advantages

August 7, 2015
| News

In the unmanned systems sector, the use of HIL-class drone simulators provides significant advantages as they can be used for both practicing on drone and RPAS operations and as system development support. Providing a safe environment for flight testing, providing large savings in integration costs, repairs, etc.


These powerful drone simulators provide the feeling of flying a real UAV. The operator will not notice that it is operating a non-flying system as all flight functions and flight modes are available during the simulation: automatic, manual, arcade, etc., using real autopilot hardware running CNG algorithms.


The HIL or HWIL simulators significantly facilitate the learning of unmanned systems operation as the user interface during the simulation is the same used in real flight. Operator has at his disposal all the necessary controls: waypoint path creation, management of automatic actions, flight phase change, etc. During the simulation, the system will command real movement to control surfaces, actuators, and payloads, permitting validation of platform construction.


Another of the major advantages is that it can simulate the mission to operate for an operation anywhere in the world, simulating the desired weather conditions such as rain, wind, etc., as well as system errors, testing the platform without compromising the equipment or staff.


Veronte HIL drone simulators

Veronte HIL is a drone simulator that provides all these advantages to unmanned systems operators. Being compatible with a wide variety of platforms, it allows to simulate the operation of any imaginable UAS, from fixed wings to multirotors or helicopters, UGVs, hybrid aircraft, USVs, etc. The same hardware and software that it used with the simulator Veronte HIL is what is used for the operation with the real platform.


Veronte HIL is combined with the X-Plane simulator for the “Hardware in the Loop.”  It shares simulated sensor data with Veronte Autopilot 1x while the autopilot commands are sent to the actuators in the X-Plane simulator, also displaying the operation of the platform in a custom 3D model.


In conclusion, this complete tool for development of unmanned systems and UAV operator training permits to fully validate the system integration as well as the operation, permitting to test new configurations and gain operational practice in a safe environment.

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